google i/o_Google I / O 2017最有希望的突破
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google i/o

by Aravind Putrevu

通过Aravind Putrevu

Google I / O 2017最有希望的突破 (The most promising breakthroughs from Google I/O 2017)

Google I/O is one of the biggest developer conferences. This year was particularly exciting. There were two keynotes: one from Google CEO , and another from , the Google’s vice president of developer products.

Google I / O是最大的开发者大会之一。 今年特别令人兴奋。 有两个主题演讲:一个来自Google首席执行官 ,另一个来自Google开发人员产品副总裁 。

In this article I’ll summarize the major announcements from Google I/O 2017 and also share my own perspectives on them as a developer.

在本文中,我将总结Google I / O 2017的主要公告,并就其作为开发人员的观点发表自己的看法。

让我们开始吧! (Let’s get started!)

I liked the way they kicked off their event this year by showing their video clip. This symbolizes how, when one looks at taking an idea forward, they may face many obstacles. But finally when the world starts looking at the effort and hard work, that’s when those efforts really start to shine.

我喜欢他们今年通过播放视频剪辑开始活动的方式。 这象征着,当人们希望提出一个想法时,他们可能会面临许多障碍。 但是最后,当世界开始关注这些努力和艰苦奋斗时,这些努力才真正开始发光起来。

The keynote starts with Sundar describing prime products of Google and the scale at which those services are operated.


In the past few years, many of us haven’t gone a single day without using Google Search, Gmail, YouTube, and Android, or some other Google product. That shows the kind of engineering excellence Google owns in bringing people again and again to the same platform.

在过去的几年中,我们许多人没有一天没有使用Google搜索,Gmail,YouTube和Android或其他Google产品。 这表明Google在将人们一次又一次地带到同一个平台方面拥有卓越的工程技术。

从移动优先到人工智能 (From Mobile First to AI First)

The main competitors of Google might be leading in certain sectors such as Cloud and Social Media. But Google has an edge over them as it has much more of world’s data. All this data makes it much easier for them to integrate AI into their products.

Google的主要竞争对手可能在某些领域处于领先地位,例如Cloud和Social Media。 但是Google拥有它们的优势,因为它拥有更多的世界数据。 所有这些数据使他们更容易将AI集成到其产品中。

As a result, today we see slew of new features added to each Google product without compromising on User experience.


“The more we can democratize access to AI technology, the sooner everyone will benefit.” — Sundar Pichai
“我们可以使使用AI技术的民主化程度越高,每个人都会越早受益。” — Sundar Pichai

谷歌镜头 (Google Lens)

Google is not only successful in bringing down the error rates for its speech recognition, but it’s actually nearing a typical human’s ability to understand speech. Today Google Home understands different voices in a home, and gives results accordingly.

Google不仅成功降低了语音识别的错误率,而且实际上已经接近典型的人类理解语音的能力。 如今,Google Home可以理解家庭中的不同声音,并给出相应的结果。

Along similar lines, Google Lens will enable machines to look out and describe what they see.

与之类似,Google Lens将使机器能够看到并描述它们所看到的东西。

云张量处理单元(TPU) (Cloud Tensor Processing Unit (TPU))

As a machine learning enthusiast, I know how difficult it is today to train a machine learning model. So imagine a situation where there’s a huge data set and a machine learning model written. It’s not easy to train the model on any typical computer (like your laptop) with less computing power. For this, you need a machines with more processing power so you can perform these tasks in a cost-effective way.

作为机器学习爱好者,我知道如今训练机器学习模型有多么困难。 因此,想象一下存在大量数据集和编写了机器学习模型的情况。 在具有较低计算能力的任何典型计算机(如笔记本电脑)上训练模型并不容易。 为此,您需要一台具有更大处理能力的机器,以便可以以具有成本效益的方式执行这些任务。

Since a majority of cloud vendors charge based on time, cost to do the task increases as time increases. With a better underlying infrastructure, one can train the model with more data points in the given time.

由于大多数云供应商都是基于时间收费的,因此执行任务的成本会随着时间的增加而增加。 有了更好的基础架构,就可以在给定的时间内训练带有更多数据点的模型。

Because the more a model gets trained on a wide variety of data, the more accurate the inferences become.


In this context Cloud TPU (2nd Gen TPU) is going to be a major innovation. With Cloud TPU integrated into Google Cloud Platform (GCP), we can expect that GCP can become a go-to place for all machine learning use-cases.

在这种情况下,Cloud TPU(第二代TPU)将成为一项重大创新。 通过将Cloud TPU集成到Google Cloud Platform(GCP)中,我们可以期望GCP可以成为所有机器学习用例的首选。

Google.ai (Google.ai)

Google always talks about open-source and the democratization of its technology. It also does that for the ecosystem to thrive. is a good example of this.

Google一直在谈论开源和其技术的民主化。 这样做还可以使生态系统蓬勃发展。 就是一个很好的例子。

Similarly, I believe will serve as a one place to find all the AI work done by Google.


AutoML is crazy and shows how far Google can take AI. An example for this is neural net building another neural net. Remember we are still in 2017.

AutoML太疯狂了,它展示了Google可以将AI 推向多远。 一个例子就是神经网络,建立另一个神经网络 。 请记住,我们仍然在2017年

Applying machine learning advancements to the healthcare domain (, ) reminds us that technology can change lives and help us live longer.

将机器学习的进步应用于医疗保健领域( , )提醒我们,技术可以改变生活并帮助我们更长寿。

On that note, check out this video of a high school student’s effort to solve one of the toughest medical prediction problems.


On the fun side, have you heard of ? Head over to it, you’ll get to see AI in action.

在有趣的方面,您听说过吗? 前往它,您将看到AI发挥作用。

谷歌助手 (Google Assistant)

Google Search remains Google’s main source of income.


Google Assistant is essentially Google Search — but it uses voice as its modality. By getting people to use Google Assistant, they’re getting users to search more often, and introducing more interesting features like making it more conversational, injecting it into all form factors, and finally opening it as a .

Google助理实质上是Google搜索-但它使用语音作为其形式。 通过促使人们使用Google助手,他们使用户可以更频繁地进行搜索,并引入更多有趣的功能,例如使其更具对话性,将其注入所有形式的要素,并最终将其作为开放。

To learn more about developing “Actions on Google” take a look at this wonderful demo.

要了解有关开发“ Google上的操作”的更多信息 看看这个精彩的演示。

Google首页 (Google Home)

Google Assistant more or less drives . It has positioned itself as competitor to the .

Google助手或多或少地驱动着 。 它已将自己定位为竞争对手。

Now we might assume that Google is playing catch-up to Amazon, but with the amount of data that Google has, and the daily user interaction with Google services, it may be able to out-class Alexa.


Many people will be watching to see how this battle turns out.


Here are some of Google Home’s core features:

以下是Google Home的一些核心功能:

  • proactive assistance

  • hands-free calling

  • visual responses to a suitable nearby screen

  • integration with Google’s existing services, like Maps, Chromecast, Calendar, and YouTube


Google相簿 (Google Photos)

Right from the day it is unveiled, Google Photos (previously known as Picasa) was a tremendous hit. Again, with the ability to analyze and organize information, Google is bringing up yet another feature: Suggested Sharing. This relieves of the time-intensive task of making photo albums and sharing them with loved ones. Now it’s just a single click.

从发布之日起,Google相册(以前称为Picasa)便大受欢迎。 再次,由于具有分析和组织信息的能力,Google提出了另一个功能:建议共享。 这省去了制作相册并将其与亲人共享的费时的任务。 现在只需单击即可。

Ditto with shared libraries and photo books. And there’s a clever integration with Google Lens.

与共享库和相簿同上。 并且与Google Lens进行了巧妙的集成。

Google’s applying machine learning to everything.


的YouTube (YouTube)

, CEO of YouTube, brings up an interesting demonstration of platform’s ability to solve social issues. It reminds me of the original promised power of social media.

YouTube首席执行官展示了该平台解决社会问题的能力的有趣展示。 它使我想起了社交媒体最初应许的力量。

Today, there’s no equivalent open video service to YouTube, which makes big money. Yet Google isn’t resting on its laurels. It’s introducing new features into YouTube in all possible form factors, be it your computer, smart phone, or TV.

如今,没有像YouTube这样的开放视频服务可以赚钱。 然而,谷歌并没有因此而为之骄傲。 它会以各种可能的形式在YouTube中引入新功能,无论是您的计算机,智能手机还是电视。

安卓系统 (Android)

Oh! How can I forget it? Most popularly used mobile operating system in the world.

哦! 我怎么会忘记呢? 世界上使用最广泛的移动操作系统。

Google is going full speed ahead with a new version of Android. And it’s not just patching things — these are some major new features.

Google正在全速开发新版本的Android。 这不仅仅是修补问题-这些是一些主要的新功能。

As an Android developer, I’d like to congratulate and thank the entire team of Android for yet another beautiful release.


Even though Android is popular in its own sense, it still has few issues, like battery life and operating system version fragmentation. But with every new release, Google is tackling these problems by making Android more robust.

尽管Android就其自身而言很受欢迎,但它仍然存在一些问题,例如电池寿命和操作系统版本碎片。 但是,随着每个新版本的发布,Google都会通过使Android更强大来解决这些问题。

O improves the user experience with features such as Picture in Picture, Notification Dots, Autofill, and Smart Text selection.


Out of which my favorite is Picture in Picture. Even though multi-window features were available in previous releases of Android, this time multi-window is mostly adaptable to a form factor of big sizes (including tablets).

我最喜欢的是画中画。 即使早期版本的Android中提供了多窗口功能,但这次多窗口大多数情况下都适用于大尺寸的尺寸(包括平板电脑)。

On the machine learning side of things, I believe “TensorflowLite” and the new hardware supported neural network API will let any phone run simple models locally for faster benefits. Of course, we’ll need to learn how to use it properly so we don’t hamper user experience.

在机器学习方面,我相信“ TensorflowLite”和新的硬件支持的神经网络API将使任何电话都能在本地运行简单模型以获得更快的收益。 当然,我们需要学习如何正确使用它,以免影响用户体验。

Other vitals like battery life, security, startup time, and stability are important, and are the real needs of the hour.


After working at a security company, I’ve seen first-hand how many Android apps do things in a sort of gray area, against the platform’s rules.


To find such apps, “Google Play Protect” comes into action and scans apps and makes sure things are in line. Google doesn’t tell you exactly what they look when they scan your apps, but in my view it would be a combination of many regular and behavioral techniques.

为了找到这样的应用程序,“ Google Play保护”开始起作用并扫描应用程序,并确保一切正常。 Google不会告诉您他们扫描应用程序时的确切样子,但是在我看来,这将是许多常规和行为技术的结合。

They’ve also implemented boundary limits to services running in the background, which saves battery power.


Kotlin (Kotlin)

support was one completely unexpected announcement from Google. Kotlin is a JVM-based open source programming language, and it’s under active development.

支持是Google完全出乎意料的一项宣布。 Kotlin是基于JVM的开源编程语言,并且正在积极开发中。

But I would quickly highlight some main benefits:


  • Android Studio support

    Android Studio支持
  • It’s interchangeable with Java

  • More succinct code


You can join the official Kotlin Slack group to learn more about Kotlin .

您可以在加入官方的Kotlin Slack组,以了解有关Kotlin的更多信息。

Android Go is yet another initiative aimed at improving Android’s presence in developing countries, where connectivity and data is a problem. Here’s their .

Android Go是另一项旨在改善Android在存在连接和数据问题的发展中国家的业务的计划。 这是他们的 。

沉浸式计算(VR / AR) (Immersive Computing (VR/AR))

Basically, computing that works like more we do. This is a niche that is just picking up, and Google does not want to be a late comer. They introduced Daydream last year, and this time they’re already taking giant strides to solve crucial problems.

基本上,计算工作就像我们所做的那样。 这只是一个小众市场,而Google不想成为后来者。 他们于去年推出Daydream,这次他们已经在解决重大问题方面取得了巨大进步。

A standalone VR headset is an important achievement in the VR space because both and need extra hardware to get the device working.


With Augmented Reality, your GPS can get your exact location. Then the Visual Positioning Service (VPS) can get you to the exact location of a home within a community.

借助增强现实,您的GPS可以获取您的确切位置。 然后,视觉定位服务(VPS)可以将您带到社区中房屋的确切位置。

can take students on immersive virtual journeys.


All Done! That’s a wrap.

全做完了! 这是一个包装。

Generally, we hear major product announcements from Google I/O. But this year there are no such announcements. Instead, there were a slew of updates and new features, and almost all products were enticing. Over and above, it shows that Google believes AI is the way forward.

通常,我们会听到Google I / O的主要产品公告。 但是今年没有这样的公告。 相反,有大量的更新和新功能,几乎所有产品都具有吸引力。 不仅如此,它还表明Google相信AI是前进的道路。

额外资源 (Extra Resources)

  1. .

关于我 (About me)

I’m an engineer working on a at . I’m passionate about evangelizing tech, meeting developers and helping in solving their problems.

我是一名工程师。 我热衷于传播技术,与开发人员会面并帮助解决他们的问题。

You can learn more about me .



google i/o


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